Weekly Newsletter August 12, 2015

Here’s the News at Grace Church this week.  

 Join us as Jonathan brings us God’s Word…in a new series: "Daily Struggle, the Victorious Life"
This week: The Law-Empowered Life - Romans 7

Woman of Grace- Let’s take a Hike! Sunday, Aug 23. 4:00 – 5:00 pm. We will do a one mile hike in Escondido. Come hang out!

Outreach Lunches: Get to know our neighbors and minister to families in need. More info contact Bill Detrich at: bdetrich@gracechurchsd.org

Musicians: Interested in serving the church on Sunday mornings?  If you have a gift, why not share it with the church family.  For more info on being part of one of our musical worship teams contact Scott McCarthy:  Scott@gracechurchsd.org

Sign up for The City: It’s the best way to stay in the loop on the latest events at Grace. Sign up here:   https://gracechurchnorth.onthecity.org/kiosk/153581/signup  

See you Sunday at 10am at Del Norte High.