Newsletter May 18, 2016

Sunday we keep on rolling through our Dear Church series with Jesus' letter to the church in Pergamum. Revelation 2:12-17. Here is a church that has allowed some false teaching to hang out and there is a comprise that is creating spiritual blindness. Jesus invites them back to him. 10am at Del Norte High School Performing Arts Center. 

Books and Bagels: Interested in reading a book and getting together to talk it through? We are looking to plan a Saturday morning group this summer. We will be reading “Proof: Finding Freedom through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistible Grace” by Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones. Get a dose of solid theology, some great conversation and a bagel loaded with cream cheese! If you are interested: email

Church Picnic: July 10 @ 10am! Instead of a normal Sunday service we will be meeting in the park to sing and celebrate together. Save the date. More info to come soon.