Newsletter May 25, 2016

This week we will take a short break from our “Dear Church” series as we welcome the children for the whole service. Together we will “Pause” and hear God’s declaration of Sovereign Care in Psalm 46. There will be no Children's Ministry this Sunday, the kids will be with us for the whole service!

Books and Bagels - Interested in reading a book and getting together to talk it through? We are looking to plan a Saturday morning group this summer. We will be reading “Proof: Finding Freedom through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistible Grace” by Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones. Get a dose of solid theology, some great conversation and a bagel loaded with cream cheese! If you are interested: email 

Church in the Park - On July 10th,  we will have our service in a local park, mark your calendar. The party planning is underway!!