Newsletter February 8, 2017

Sunday at Grace we will dive into 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. It is an interesting text, that has probably been abused and misused too many times. But there is something really good here, about being faithful to Christ in worship and live in light of the Trinity. Join us at 10am at Del Norte's Performing Arts Center, Sunday, February 12. 

Students Bible Study - Our High School students will meet tonight at 7pm in Esco (at the Shradars') for our study of Ephesians. 

Preparing for a Season of Seeking - Revision 2017 is what we are calling it. After more than two years of replanting Grace Church we are going to launch an intentional 40 plus days of prayer for spiritual renewal, as individuals, as a church and in our community. It will kick off March 1. Until then, be praying and thinking about how you will be seeking the Lord this year. 

Valentine's Day - This is a subtle reminder for those concerned; Valentine's Day is on Tuesday the 14th. 

Serve at Grace - We are looking for volunteers to learn the sound board and our projection computer on Sundays. If that is you, contact