Newsletter March 8, 2017

What's love got to do with it? Quite a lot actually. For all our giftedness, the church needs love to live. Sunday we will hear from the often misused 1 Corinthians 13. 10am at Del Norte High. 

Revision Prayer Meeting Tomorrow- Thursday, March 9 @ 7pm. 1772 Continental Dr. in Escondido. Join us as we pray together for Spiritual Renewal during this second week of our Revision 2017. 

A People on Mission - We are stoked to have Jacki and Hannah back from Belize and they will share how it went with us on Sunday. Come and support these awesome ladies bringing the love of Christ to people near and far. 

Students Bible Study - Tonight at 7 in ESCO. We crack the word and let it crack us. 

Mens Bible Study - Our new Saturday study kicks off reading James this Saturday, the 11th at Panera in Carmel Mountain at 9am. You don't need to RSVP but you do need to show up! 

Disability Outreach - Volunteers from the church will take worship to our neighbors in a nearby care facility once a month. Sign up to sing, hang out and share the love of Christ with our friends. Contact

One of our Children's Ministry classes built their own wall while studying Nehemiah. Thank you to all our teachers who volunteers to teach our kiddos about Jesus! 

One of our Children's Ministry classes built their own wall while studying Nehemiah. Thank you to all our teachers who volunteers to teach our kiddos about Jesus!