Letting the Peace of Christ Reign

Pastor Jonathan's Monday reflection:

This morning I am thanking the Lord for the body he has built in our church and that we are striving to live as 1 Corinthians has modeled, out of love for each other, in the gifts the Spirit gives, for our good and God's glory. All of it points to Jesus, our prince of peace. 

As I was reflecting this morning I came across a devotional post from one year ago that is hitting. I am sharing it in its entirety and praying you will be encouraged: 

Peace as Ruler

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15 ESV)

Sign me up for the peace of Christ to rule in my heart. That is what we really desire isn’t it? To have the peace that surpasses understanding. To own this calm in a storm. To be anxious of nothing and able to rest.

This is the peace of Christ, knowing the work is finished, that you are kept and secure in him forever. Nothing can harm or jeopardize you. In Christ you have peace. But it is not just for the individual.

In fact, Paul is here giving instruction to the church to love each other well. To live in harmony, bearing with one another for Christ’s glory. In this living together they are to let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts, individually and collectively. This is what the church is to be known for, love that drives peace.

We get things all mixed up because we still war against sin in our lives and there is more than enough mess to go around, but this is the place we are to come back to over and over. The peace of Christ.

Maybe today, in a practical and tangible way you are to let this peace rule in your heart. Is there someone in your faith community you need to share love with, or forgive? Go to them, let the peace of Christ rule among your hearts. Is your mind and heart in distress unsure what life is meant to hold or how you will get by? Review the promises of Jesus and let his peace rule in you heart.

Lord, today make your peace rule in our hearts that we would believe you, run to you and rest in you. Amen.