Newsletter May 17, 2017

Sunday morning as we gather for worship at Del Norte High's Performing Arts Center, we will hear the Apostle's parting words in 1 Corinthians 16:12-24. These are people working and waiting in love. Perhaps we will be too! 10 am Sunday. See you there. 

Students Studies – We will be launching new Middle and High School weekly groups studying New City Catechism this fall. Now is the time to sign up to help lead and support our students to disciples the next generation! Email

Disability Outreach – For this month only, we are moving the Disability Outreach Ministry gathering to the 4th Sunday (May 28). We will visit Villa Rancho Bernardo and bring the love of Christ to those living there. Sign up via email at

Pick up bread! 

We need someone to collect bread from a bakery in San Marcos Sunday nights. Email 

Covenant Membership Lunch – This Sunday at 12:30, we will host a membership lunch where you can hear more about the church and being a member. Sign up

The Race for Life –  Saturday morning at Kit Carson Park in Esco. Come cheer us on at 8 am!