Thanks Be To God

Pastor Jonathan's Monday Reflection: 

Oh how refreshing the gospel is. We can bring our burden, our difficult week, our unresolved circumstances, and even our well played strategy and moments of success and surrender it all at the feet of Jesus. Turning over what we had relied on for the Savior who actually delivers. 

Life can hurt, but something better is given to us. 

"The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. [57] But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." - 1 Corinthians 15:56-57 (ESV)

God gives us the victory through Jesus. Victory over death, sin and the law. Victory over the poorly played events that produced pain. Victory over the false assurance we placed in education or vocational achievement. Victory over the brokenness of the relationships we have. 

Victory over it all. Into the security of being claimed by Christ. A Child of God. Forever, under no condemnation. 

This changes our perspective on life and rightly so. We should see things, approach things and think about things through the lens of freedom, victory in Jesus. How can you bring this truth into your day?

My prayer for you, and for me today, is that we would have an increasing sense of this victory given to us through Jesus, and live with gospel perspective, come what may. Lord, help us see the victory you have given us and the victory still to come. Free us from worry and distraction and empower us to do kingdom work bringing the real Jesus to those in need. Amen.