Newsletter August 23, 2017


This Sunday Pastor Jonathan is back and finishing up our Old, Old Story series. We will look at an important story in Exodus 18 and see what it has to say about how we do community in light of and like Christ. If you don't dig talking about or experiencing deep community, this is not one for you but you should get over it and engage anyway. The wisdom on one another. Sunday at 10 am Del Norte High. 

Pray Teams - Partner with other Reservoir peeps in prayer on Sundays at 9 am and by joining our Facebook Prayer Group. Email to become part of the group.  

Production Teams - We are building our teams to help with unloading/loading of the church van, media (projection), and sound. We will train you, all are welcome to serve. Email to get trained and scheduled! 

4S Churches Picnic - Save the Date September 17 after service. We will be joining our friends at Ranchland Community Church and GC2 Church for a picnic at 4S park. Burgers, dogs, drinks, a bounce house and lots of fun. It will be a great way to enjoy some time outside with some brothers and sisters in Christ. If you want to help man the drink tent, let Jonathan or Bill know. 

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Hold Fast Women’s Retreat - This is the last week to register for this "don’t miss," first ever Reservoir Church Women's Retreat! Come reflect with us on Hebrews 10 and share times of fellowship and renewal. We will be in Big Bear Friday afternoon September 15 to Saturday evening September 16. The cost is $75 per person (covers food, lodging, and retreat materials). Contact Stacy or Janice with questions or register here.