Newsletter June 20, 2018


We can't stop, won't stop. Our study of Acts rolls on this Sunday at 10 am with Acts 20:17-38. Paul's parting words with the Ephesian elders and by way of them, us. Let's notice the example and see the role of everyone in living from the grace of Christ. Bring friends. 2437 S Center City Parkway in Escondido. 

Special Needs Ministry - Congrats to Janice and all of us at Reservoir for winning a grant from Joni and Friends to build up our sensory experience in the children's space. Coming soon we will have wall enhancements for children with special needs to stay engaged.

Re:Reservoir - July 1 after service and monthly. Regarding Reservoir. Join the elders for coffee after service in the church office to ask questions about Reservoir, serving, becoming a member or anything else. This is an ideal opportunity for those new to the church but all are welcome. 

Reservoir Women's Retreat - Change of Date! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 29. We will be hosting a day-long retreat in Poway. More info to come. 

Reservoir Men’s Prayer - Saturday, July 7, 8 am. Dudes, join us in the parking lot for prayer for our church, community and the kingdom.

Reservoir Stories - Would you like to help out by filming and editing the series of congregation introduction videos? Contact to get started. 

Like Us on Facebook - Find our page on Facebook for event dates and continual information on ministry opportunities. Better yet, rate us and tell the world how much you love Reservoir! Click here