Being Alert in Community


Pastor Jonathan’s Monday Reflection: 

Be alert. This is the exhortation from Paul to the Ephesian elders in Miletus in Acts 20. But it is also an exhortation for us. To protect ourselves and each other from the lure of false teaching that is so prevelant around us.  

While there is in this call a personal ownership - a responsible intake of ideas, study, and the voices that drive the thinking of our surroundings - there is much more a call for alertness in community. This is where the church comes in.  

For one, we delve into Scritpture for ourselves and pursue wise teaching from those that have gone before. Attempting to daily submit to the word of God as we ask the Spirit to illuminate what we are reading and use it to transform us.

Next we entrust the elders with opening scripture in our gatherings. As those that will give an account before the Lord, the elders bear the greatest responsibility as watchmen. And we endeavor to study with them, to be sharpened and increasingly exposed to the truth of Christ.  

Then we study and collectively think through Scripture in small groups and classes purposed to give us a depth of understanding and relationship with one another. This is also the place of our accountability to one another - that we challenge each other and spur us on to good works in light of the things we are learning about Jesus. 

What we want to see is the grace of Jesus on every page of the Bible. We want to see life in response to this grace and the mission of the church lived out without a pharisaical posture. We want to see reliance on Jesus and nothing else. 

So how will you remain alert this week? Whose example will you follow and who might you encourage along the way?