Newsletter July 4, 2018

Happy Independence Day! 


Sunday, Lawrence Leung continues our series in Acts with 21:17-40. Finding the hope of Paul in our day. Bring some friends and worship with us. 10 am 2437 S Centre City Parkway in Escondido. 

Sunday Special Needs Outreach - This Sunday is also our regular ministry time at Villa Rancho Bernardo. Join our team for lunch and then ministry at 2 pm.

Community Prayer - Thursday, July 12 @ 7 pm. Join us in the church office for a corporate time of prayer for the church, community and kingdom. 

Hope for San Diego - Saturday, July 14, 9 am - 12 pm. Picnic with immigrants and refugee families. Sign up You can also sign up during our Sunday gathering. See Liz Fallon. 

FAR Groups - Friends at Reservoir. We are preparing for our Fall FAR group meet ups. Sign up online here