Newsletter September 19, 2018

Tonight! 7 PM in the sanctuary. We will gather for worship. All are invited for this intentional time of waiting on the Lord and lifting his name high.

Tonight! 7 PM in the sanctuary. We will gather for worship. All are invited for this intentional time of waiting on the Lord and lifting his name high.

Hidden With Christ - Next Saturday, September 29. Reservoir Women our fall retreat is set and we are excited. The event is nearing capacity but you can still register at

Small Groups - We have a number of groups that meet locally through the week. What are you waiting for?! Join one! Visit our website or email for more info.


Sunday we jump back into Isaiah, the second chapter. The way of peace. Its a hint of a now and future reality with Jesus and we should all get in on it, and bring others along. Remember, Sunday us a family worship service so all kiddos will join us for singing and sermon. Let’s party! 10 am at 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.