Reservoir Church 2020 Budget Proposal & Annual Meeting Notice

We are so grateful to you all for your prayers, participation in the life of our church, and your financial support.  

While we don’t talk about financial issues that much, this is the time of year when we present a budget proposal for the following fiscal year to our members for their consideration and eventual affirmation at a members' meeting.

We have scheduled two meetings regarding the budget.  There will be an informational meeting on 27 October 2019 and our annual members meeting on 03 November 2019.  Both meetings will occur right after our Sunday worship service.  

The informational meeting will be a time to listen to a presentation about the current financial position of the church and proposed budget and to allow time for members to ask questions and provide feedback to us and our Finance Team.  Based on any feedback received prior to and during the informational meeting, we will consider whether further changes ought to be made to the budget proposal prior to presenting it for a vote of affirmation at our annual members' meeting, in keeping with our Book of Church Order.

Two issues will be presented at the members' meeting for votes of affirmation.  The first will be regarding affiliation with Advance Movement. You have already heard from us about our desire to join this network of churches dedicated to encouraging and strengthening one another while partnering to plant churches around the world.  We encourage you to learn more about Advance by going to their website at

The second issue will be the affirmation of the 2020 church budget.  The Finance Team’s memorandum to the elders regarding the proposed budget may be viewed or downloaded here.  Should you have questions or comments on the proposed budget, please direct them to the Finance Team.  The best way to initiate contact with the Finance Team is by email at  This will make it easier for the team to collectively stay apprised of your thoughts and questions.  If you would like to speak directly with one of the members of the Finance Team, please reach out to one of them:  John Economides, Joey Hosford or Luke Vincent. 

Grace and peace to you through Jesus our Lord,

Bill Detrich, Scott McCarthy, Jonathan Shradar, Lawrence Leung, John Zaal

Reservoir Church Elders & Interim Leaders