
Awake at the Wheel


He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.” -Psalm 121:3

Where does your help come from? If you are a believer in Jesus, it comes from him. Outside of him, there is not much help or hope, other than what we can personally brew up. But in Christ, there is hope that drives into eternity, that gives help in very real ways right now in life. We look to him, the maker of heaven and earth.

In this looking, we can be all the more confident, knowing that Jesus, our Lord, does not let our stability be shaken. Our foot is not moved; the foundation we have is never removed when we are in him. The One who will not slumber is the one who keeps us safe. Jesus is awake at the wheel of the universe, and he is caring for you in the midst of it.

Every little opportunity and circumstance of life is relating to the Lord's providential plan. He will not relent in his care, and this is meant to give us an abiding, never-stopping awareness of his hand of protection and purpose.

Today, be reminded that in Christ, the Lord will keep you from evil and will keep your life, your eternal safe place, with him. Let this drive your hope and live this adventure he has called you to!

They Come to Him


Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” -Matthew 2:1–2

We live in an era where too many of us think that Jesus, or his people mostly, must come before the influential and governmental rulers of the day to seek an audience. Maybe it even has us setting aside our principles for political expediency or acceptance. But our norm is quite the opposite of how people first approached Jesus and how they will for the rest of eternity.

The truth is, kings come to him. Well, at least kings worth their salt. Here in the first days of the incarnation the wise men from the east saw the sign of Christ's arrival and the sought him out. They have come to worship him. The brilliant, the powerful, those with vision—they come to Jesus to worship him.

It is fascinating that here was Herod, the supposed king of the Jews, and people wouldn't worship him. But this baby king is newly on the scene, and people desire to worship him.

Today as you refresh the news feed and think through who is leading on the global stage, realize that all of these will eventually bow. They will come to recognize the real King; as his people, we are to share in his reign. Let this encourage us to run to him even now for purpose, empowerment, and the hope only he provides.