
Transformative Freedom


"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." -2 Corinthians 3:17 

There is real freedom in Christ. No longer are we under our own vain attempts at righteousness or the slavery of sin. We have been granted victory over it all. And the glory of Christ is not diminishing — it is increasing as we pursue him. 

This is meant to lighten our steps and encourage us as we live free from burden and unmet expectations. This is meant to fuel us as we are being transformed more and more into Christlikeness. This is our anchor when the waves of life toss and throw us. 

Today, you can know that you are free. Sin is cast off. You wear the perfection of Christ. By his Spirit, you are empowered with transformative freedom to live well and even dance a little. Know your freedom. Chose to live in it and share it with someone who is under burden and without hope. You are free to do just that!

If Only We Knew


“Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” -John 4:10

There are so many dynamics in this story that preachers could go on for weeks about the intricacies and the astounding conversation Jesus has with this woman at the well. But how much are we like this woman? We are more like her than we like to let on, aren't we? 

If we only knew what we really had in knowing and believing in Jesus. How often we miss his declarative work for us and how deeply the ramifications of it go. His grace and gift of the Spirit to us are truly living water, meant to invigorate and refresh. If only we knew the gift of God. 

Today, let's endeavor to know. Ask Jesus for the living water that only he can give, and then find the adventure he has set before you.