Newsletter December 7, 2017

This Sunday we keep rolling in our Advent series by thinking about the geneaolgy of Jesus in Matthew 1. He is the true outsider that has come to save outsiders. Join us for worship at 10am at Del Norte High School in 4S Ranch. 

Student Winter Hang - RSVP for Saturday's student event. Pizza, Gingerbread creations, Jesus and a white elephant gift exchange. All you bring is the gift. Parents and students welcome. 5pm-8pm, December 10. RSVP to 

Women of Grace - Stir up some holiday cheer while making some fun gifts for your neighbors. Saturday, December 17 at 9:30. Contact Stacy at for more info. 

Sunday December 18 - For one week only we will gather at the Poway Community Center at 13094 Civic Center Drive in the Bill Bond Room. This will be a family service and we will worship, hear the Word and fellowship together. Plan accordingly. 

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24 at 6pm. We will be at Del Norte for the culmination of our Advent series and some musical fun. Bring the whole family (and strangers)! If you are interested in helping with set-up email

Student Retreat – January 20 & 21, 2017. Grace Church of East County will be hosting the annual student retreat at Pine Valley. $85 per person. Josh Fenska will teach on “heavenly minded AND earthly good.” Sign up Forms and payment are due soon!