Going out with Rejoicing


Pastor Jonathan’s Monday reflection:

"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”  - Isaiah 55:12

This verse is on a picture that hangs in my office and it is an important memorial to me. It came from the Grace Church building on Via Frontera. It was hidden in a closet somewhere and I thought it deserved some wall space. Isaiah 55 begins with an invitation to the thirsty to come to God for a refreshing drink... imaging Christ and his call to the thirsty and weary. Yet he leads them, those that pursue him, with peace. And creation joins in the worship as they go!

Yesterday was historic because we ended a chapter at Del Norte High School but it was more than that. It was vital and memorable because we praise God together for what he has done. It wasn’t a celebration of the chairs or classrooms. It wasn’t a celebration of ample parking and an upscale neighborhood. It was a celebration of the gift of family that Reservoir Church is. The care, the love, the relationship. What a gift Jesus has given us in each other. 

We shall go out and enter new territory with joy and be led forth in peace. Let’s go, let’s keep rejoicing. Let’s lift the name of Jesus high!