Watercooler July 10, 2019

Isaiah 41 1 20 .jpg

More strength for those in need. More refreshment for those thirsty. Isaiah 41 this Sunday as we worship Jesus together. 10 am 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido. Bring your people.

Reservoir Church BBQ/Leung Baby Shower | This Sunday, July 14 after church at the Hansen home in Poway. $5 suggested donation for lunch. Please RSVP to Janice at buddybreak@reservoirchurchsd.org or 559-824-8777.

Buddy Break | We will be back in action shortly! Whether you're a regular volunteer or you haven't attended been trained yet, come for our summer training session on Saturday, July 27 at noon. Bonus: Lunch included! Please RSVP to Janice at buddybreak@reservoirchurchsd.org or 559-824-8777.

Summer in Full Swing | As we shuffle our schedules and take needed time off, make sure to see Jesus in Scripture and prayer. He never takes a break from caring for and empowering us. Let’s lean into him.