The Beginning is Near


"You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand." -James 5:8

The life of the Christian is one of anticipation and really one of urgency. The time is short — even if it takes a life of eighty years. Jesus has promised to return, and we wait for him, for the completion of his rule and reign, for the end of sin and the corruption of the fall.

Here James is reminding us of the nearness, not of the end, but the grand beginning of eternity with Christ. In that nearness, we are patient, trusting his promise, and we are engaged in establishing our hearts, firmly planting the Gospel into our lives, that we might stand like a cedar of Lebanon (Psalm 92:12).

Today, be reminded of the nearness of Christ. Not only by the Spirit, indwelling you right now, but his nearness in coming to remake and restore earth, to make it our real home. It can seem so far off, especially when we mark James' words on a calendar and notice they appeared two thousand years ago. But Jesus' approach is still upon us, and we live knowing it, expectant.

Today, establish your heart. Surrender yourself to the goodness and grace of Christ. You are his. Rest in that. Rejoice in that. And live like you know it.