Our Only Mediator


“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,” -1 Timothy 2:5 

We are always looking for bridges, for other mediators to bring us to God and make us clean before him. We might find “spiritual leaders” as our bridge; they just do so well telling us what we hope to hear, and they seem so perfect. Or we might look to ritual to lead us in; the perfect liturgy will be my bridge to God, finally giving me something secure to trust in because we can't change tradition. Or most likely, we trust in our own self-righteousness; we trust our ability to do good and deserving works. 

But when we do these things, looking to other things to bring us to God, we missed the real path, the true and only mediator between God and men. Jesus. Jesus is the only way to the Father; he is our bridge, the sole mediator. He is our priest and pathway. 

This is meant to comfort us. To know the Way is the way. It also should bring us back to Jesus again and again to keep that relationship tight. 

Any time we sense an idol luring us to go to it, or any time we find the suggestion that another person or thing or feeling can bring us to God, we should turn to the true mediator, once and for all. 

Today, know your bridge. Run to him and rest in his bringing you to God, for his glory and your good.

This is an excerpt from Depths a daily devotional written by Jonathan Shradar.