Recounting His Goodness


For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” -Psalm 107:9

The Psalms are a wonderful reminder, over and over again, of the goodness of God and his supreme care for his people. They are not only historical songs but melodies for us today to remember and look forward to his goodness. In Christ, as believers in Jesus, these are our promises. This is our voice in unison singing of the gifts of God.

We know these gifts as the grace that justifies us and gives us an eternal place with God. We know these gifts as a cover of our sin and power to live different lives. We know these gifts as daily provision for our spiritual and physical lives. But do we know these gifts as satisfaction?

We are just fine believing that Jesus saves. But it should blow us away that Jesus also satisfies. The longings of our souls are met in Christ. The deepest part of who we are is known and fulfilled in our identity in Christ. We should be the most satisfied people on the planet,  fully experiencing the goodness of God in Christ.

Yet how often do we look to other, lesser things for satisfaction? Approval. Physicality. Wealth. But Jesus gives us something so much better and more satisfying; he gives us himself.

Today, turn to Jesus. Ask him to satisfy your soul as his word promises. Then set aside the lesser things and maintain a steady diet of the soul-filling goodness of Jesus.