God at Hand


“Am I a God at hand, declares the LORD, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD.” -Jeremiah 23:23–24 

Lord, help us see and sense your nearness and your bigness, your power and authority. Help us rest in your sovereign care.

This is God, through his prophet Jeremiah, calling false teachers to task for leading his people astray. Lest they think he is aloof or far off, he declares his closeness, his proximity. There is in fact nowhere to avoid him; we are always found out, seen by him and surrounded by his fullness.

For us in Christ, this is a game changer. We know this near, full God is for us, that he approves of us in Christ and he sings over us with gladness and a hop in his step. He is at hand. He is present. He is with you.

By the Spirit, he is actually dwelling not only among us but in us. Think about that. You are never out of his reach and never able to hide from him.

This is huge, because it means that today as you go through life, you are doing so near to God. Christ has brought you to God, and there you remain, come hell or high water. Cling to this truth. Live boldly because the declaration of the Lord is for your good.