
And the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” -Jonah 1:17

We love the story of Jonah. It is one the kids are surely to learn in Sunday School; after all, the guy gets swallowed by a huge fish! Adults like it because it reveals how God keeps his wrath from those who repent. Pastors like it because we can tell you just how hard-nosed we all are, but we should still follow God's commands!

The story is brilliant for so many reasons, especially because Jesus makes the claim of being a better and truer Jonah as he has the sign of this prophet.

Verse 17 gives us another facet of this splendid prophet. Of course it involves the fish! But notice that the Lord appointed the fish. Here we have God in all of his sovereignty. This is the Lord who made the waves to be overwhelming for the boat and that determined for the fish to take Jonah where he belonged. God is fully in control.

Even when Jonah thinks he is getting away, he is in his own will playing into God's sovereign decree. What an amazing authority God has to appoint creatures for his purpose and will.

Fast forward to your life; God has not lessened or lost his sovereignty. Just as with Jonah, he is working his plan, and you, free will and all, are playing right into his plan and purpose. Let this truth encourage you today. Jesus is in control. Live and don't freak out. God has this!