December 29, 2021

Sunday is our yearly celebration service where we will sing and mark the ways in which God has been faithful over the last year (come ready to share something from your life!). We will also pray for missionaries and ministries at Reservoir as well as set some direction for what is to come. Join us in person at 10 am at 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Scripture Reading | In the New Year we will attempt to build a team of members to read Scripture ahead of preaching each week. If you would like to be part of the rotation hit us up on and we will get rolling.

Scripture Study | Interested in spending more time in the text that is preached each week with the intention of helping to build sermons at Reservoir? Connect with Jonathan ( to join the study group (digital participation.)

Women’s Ministry | In the New Year monthly prayer is back on and a group will be reading and discussing Gentle & Lowly. The Sunday evening study will also be returning. For more information chat with Jacki or email