Confidence in Petition

The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD accepts my prayer.” -Psalm 6:9

David prays with a confidence in the Lord, that his prayer is heard and acted upon, and for those in Christ, we can petition the Lord with the same confidence and then some. When you pray, you also have the ministry of the Holy Spirit at work in you and for you; you also have Christ at the throne of grace praying for you. This changes how we pray. We can be desperate and have hope at the same time.

That is what got David through difficult times, and that is what should get all of us through the consistent trials and circumstance that come upon us in life. The Lord hears our plea, and he acts on it in the provision of Christ and the comfort and care of the Spirit.

What are you facing today? What have you been praying for? Know that the Lord hears you, and his sovereign care is unfolding for you.