From the One that Freed

“…Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” -Revelation 1:5–6

What would it be like to spend more time in wonder? Specifically in wonder of the One we call Savior. Deeply thinking about who Jesus is and what that truly means for us. The invitation of deep relationship calls us to pursue and learn more of who he is. May the Spirit of God increase our love for Jesus that we might run after him in this way.

Here he is, Jesus, speaking a word to his people, and the author sees it as critical to tell again of who Jesus is. He is the faithful witness, the One we can trust and believe because his word is true and perfect. He is the firstborn of the dead, the first to experience and pass on permanent resurrection, to establish the death of death and give us great hope. He is the ruler of the kings of the earth, he is the One in charge of it all, he chooses rulers and governments, and they serve his purpose.

These are wonderful attributes—faithfulness, power and providence—but there is more, and it has to do with you directly. Jesus is the One who loves you. You, dirty old you. Sinful, broken, incomplete you. Hear that today. He loves you. What's more, he has freed you from the captivity of sin by his blood. His once-for-all perfect sacrifice met the wrath of God against sin, and now you are covered, liberated, and free to live. He has also made you, along with the rest of those he saves, into a kingdom for his glory. Your citizenship is in a better, lasting, loving country. You now serve as an ambassador proclaiming freedom to those still under tyranny.

To him, to Jesus, will be glory and dominion — care and rule over all — forever. Rest today in his dominion.