Remember GX: Introducing Younuo

In a rescue mission, when missing persons are hard to reach, extra forces are sent in. With only three UUPGs currently in GX, let’s send in extra prayer for them. This June, let’s remember the Younuo (or The Red Yao).

[Jesus] came to seek and save the lost. Luke 19:10

➔ Pray that God’s people will follow Jesus and seek the lost in GX’s UUPGs.

The Red Yao’s “Clothes Hanging Festival” is held in the 6th month of the lunar year. It’s their second biggest festival after Spring Festival. According to tradition, the sun is at its brightest and so it’s the best time to air out their hand-made red clothes. Activities on this day include combing their long hair, playing the suona horn, and eating sticky rice dumplings.

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

➔ Pray that Red Yao festivals, traditions, and hearts would be dedicated to the glory of God.

➔ Pray that increased tourism opens the door for believers to share the Truth with Red Yao people.