Books to Read

Live No Lies

Jonathan shared some thoughts on the newest book from John Mark Comer.

Live No Lives is timely for the church because it challenges us with the fact that we are inclined to believe things untrue and real life is on the other side of the battle with three key enemies. 

“For centuries, teachers of the Way of Jesus used a paradigm that’s been lost in the modern era, that of “the three enemies of the soul.”

The world.

The flesh.

And the devil.”

Comer works through these enemies of the soul and give the reader clues on reclaiming and finding truth. He remains faithful to Scripture throughout, even while the lure of popularity would advise not writing of some subjects, and he hits on disciplines as a anchor against the world, flesh and devil. 

This is a thoughtful and expansive book (not in length but in depth). And I think it would be a helpful tool in discipleship in the church. And perhaps that is why I found Live No Lies to be so worthwhile. Comer highlights the church as essential for our following the way of Christ. This is not a book that leaves a believer as an individual but calls all of us to a flourish community running after Jesus together and waging battle against the lies that attempt to derail us. 

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Book to Read: Broken for Blessing


A reading recommendation from Pastor Jonathan.

While we have shared some content from Broken for Blessing already here I wanted to encourage you to pick up a copy of the book and give it a read. Within its pages Frow sets out a vision (by way of description of his church’s history) for multiplication of medium-sized churches.

We can talk about wanting to have multiplication as part of our DNA but Frow shows you how and why we should. But the book is not just about sending out or replanting churches, it is also about the importance of preaching the gospel, being a Word and Spirit church, and ministering in the culture of California. There are insights throughout and Frow has an easy writing style making the text engaging and fast.

I think this book has the potential to become a manifesto for churches like ours, those that long to see the biblical church in action, marrying a view of Scripture as our authority with the power and move of the Holy Spirit among us. It might even be used by the Lord to spur us on to new thinking and leading so that we too can be about kingdom work.

Order your copy today and share insights you find.