Newsletter October 1, 2015

Sunday we launch into a series on God's Sovereignty through the next three chapters of Romans beginning with chapter nine. Many people think chapters 9, 10, & 11 are a little out of place following the ramp up of gospel passion in Romans 8 but the discourse on the fate of Israel teaches us a lot about trusting in God's plan and purpose for election and should rally us to share grace that others would pursue it by faith too. 10am at Del Norte High. 

Christmas PageantThis Sunday at 9am we have the first practice for our Children’s Christmas Pageant. Please have your children at Del Norte by 9 AM  so the practice can begin punctually.

Student Ministry: We are gearing up to launch the Grace Church Student Ministry. We will have an information lunch on October 11th, where we will hear from Bryce about what is planned. We are looking for a home to have the lunch, if you feel led to open your home email We will provide the food and drinks. All parents and students in middle and high school grades are welcome.
RSVP on the City. 

Ushers' Meeting: This Sunday, October 4th at 12:30,  we will have an ushers’ meeting to review procedure and answer any questions. If you are an usher or interested in serving please attend. You can RSVP on the City. 



Student Ministry Launch!


Weekly Newsletter September 24, 2015