The Christian life is designed for relationships. Small Groups are where we foster community and live this life together. 

All groups meet on Tuesday evenings and are based on geographical proximity. For help finding the small group nearest to you drop us a note at

Reservoir Liturgy for Small Groups on February 18, 2025

Story: Check in on what is going on in life. Catch up with members of the group.

Study: A Covenant That Saves | Genesis 5-9. We are in desperate need of an act of God to save us.

1. Why are we constantly going back to the sin that makes us sick? The rat’s tails under our trailers?! What can we do to change that?

2. How does God’s covenant to never again flood the earth point forward to the greater covenant of grace with Christ?

3. Why does the Lord only use broken people to build? How can we work together to see the kingdom built among us?

4. Once we have been made righteous in Jesus, by faith in him, what purpose do our “works” or righteousness serve?

Soul care: How is your soul? How do these truths we’ve discussed impact our hearts, hopes, fears, and focus?

Seeking: Ask for requests and pray for each other. One volunteer can pray or time permitting all those that feel led can pray.

Sending: As you go remind each other that we go as ambassadors of Christ in our neighbors.

Scripps Ranch - Hosted by Roger and Becca Ung

Poway - Hosted by Dave and Julie Hansen

Central Escondido - Hosted by Jonathan and Stacy Shradar