New Chapter

This week I forced myself to finish a book. Do you ever do that? I have been reading it for a few months, just in the random free moments I had and was inspired to read fiction. It was a good book. But as I waded through it, I found myself wanting to get to the next book. I was tired of waiting. 

Season of life can be a little like that. We are ready for the next season, the next chapter of life, and we have to wait for it. In the life of the church we have been gearing up for a new chapter - meeting in a new space and leaving what we have known for the last 8 or so years. It is not an easy good bye. Lots of us have many fond memories at our Via Frontera location, and there are plenty of harder memories too. But we trust the Lord has a purpose and used our leased space for his glory. Now, we trust that he will do the same thing at Del Norte High. 

Over the next couple of weeks we will have a new gathering space, a new website, a new church logo - a new chapter. But the center of our church will remain the gospel of Jesus. The good news that we all need to hear over and over again. 

Here is to the new chapter, and God's continued work in us! 


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