Weekly Newsletter August 26, 2015

Sunday at 10am we will continue our study of Romans 8 with a look at verses 9-11. If you are united with Christ, the Holy Spirit is in you, giving you spiritual and physical life. Let's talk about it Sunday. 

CM Volunteers: Sunday after service we will also have a brief Children's Ministry volunteers meeting in the auditorium. We want to show you the new lessons and let you know what is coming this fall. 

Homegroups: Now is the perfect time to get plugged into a homegroup. It is the place we build community and remind each other of the gospel. For help in finding a group email Jerry jerry@gracechurchsd.org. 

Setup Team: We need the muscle and the hustle on Sunday mornings!  Unload the truck 7:30-8:30 on Sundays. To sign up contact Dana admin@gracechurchsd.org.






Weekly Newsletter September 2, 2015


Baptism video!