Elders and Church Order

It seems like it has been a while since we have had a church business meeting. Of course when you come out of a season of lots of meetings and decisions, moving to a schedule of twice a year corporate meetings can be quite the adjustment. We can let you know that in mid-November we will gather for an update meeting and to approve the 2016 budget. 

In the mean time, you should know that the elders and staff of the church are busy at work stirring the concrete to lay a solid foundation heading into the future. Staff are envisioning youth ministry and home group life as well as strategically thinking through how best to communicate with the body. And the elders are nearly halfway through a review and adaptation of a new church order document. 

The new Book of Church Order will give us clears perimeters for doing ministry and how we lead the church. It will also give us better mechanisms to handle membership, finances, discipline and leader relationships. The Book of Church Order will also give us a refined confessional statement and declaration of Grace's theological distinctives. We are thankful to our friends at Grace Church East County for their labors in developing the document. 

The Council of Elders have added meetings to process through the Book of Church Order, while still shepherding the body, and hope to present the document for member approval in early 2016. 

As we continue to work and do ministry together, if at any time you have a question, please reach out to any of the elders (Scott, Jerry, Bill, Jonathan & Charles). 

The Lord is doing a great work in Grace and he is laying a firm foundation for the future as we seek to Know Jesus and Make Him Known. 


Weekly Newsletter September 24, 2015


Weekly Newsletter September 17, 2015