Newsletter October 12, 2016
Sunday we will look at 1 Corinthians 5 and wrestle with approval of sin within the church and what we are actually called to. It's not easy, but it is good. 10am Sunday at Del Norte High.
Church Directory - Find the yellow form on Sunday, fill it out and drop it in one of the giving boxes to be in our new church directory.
Family Sunday - October 30 we will have the children with us for the whole service. If you are interested in helping make the day one to remember contact
Dedications - Interested in dedicating yourself and your child to gospel care and pursuit of Christ? We will have a dedication on October 30 during our family service. Sign up with Bill
Giving at Grace - In September we had $12,352 in contributions and $14,435 in expenses. A large planned purchase of $1500 for Children's ministry curriculum makes up part of the deficit. Thank you for your continued partnership in the ministry of Grace. You can give online, via mail or in our giving boxes on Sundays.