Resolved to be People of the Word
As we approach the dawn of a new year some of us will refuse to make resolution (because we know they will be hard to keep) but some of us will resolve to do things different and chase things of value instead of wasting our time on the silly. Usually resolutions can be good and kept when you have a family of people supporting you and encouraging you on.
As a church family this year we want to resolve to be people of the Word. In our gatherings, when we come together in Grace Groups and studies during the week, in our student ministry and everything else we take on, we desire for God's Word to be central. We long to know Jesus as he is revealed in all of Scripture and exult in his goodness toward us.
How can we do that? Each of us can determine to read the Bible more personally. Whether you follow a reading plan (you can find them everywhere, they YouVersion Bible app will even make it automatic for you), or you read through books of the Bible each day, the intake of God's Word will have positive dividends in your life. Maybe everyday is too hard to grasp. Why not do it every other day or pick one day to set aside 30 minutes to an hour for just reading and meditating on Scripture?
You can also involve other people in the process. Invite someone to meeting once a week for lunch or for coffee and read the Bible together. Make your small talk be encountering Christ in his Word!
However you endeavor to be in the Bible more in 2017, we want to help. Let us know how we can encourage you, challenge you and be in the Word together this year.
For more reflection check our this post from Desiring God.