The Light That Changes Everything

Pastor Jonathan's Monday reflection.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:1-5 ESV)

Christmas is a yearly reminder of this amazing news, that this babe in a manger, fully God and fully human, has come to save his people. To redeem all that would receive and believe in him. Not only is his work to save but his experience is just like ours. He cries, he sweats, he eats, drinks and laughs with friends. He has also faced all of the horrible pain that we have and he can sympathize with us and walk with us through it. All of our muck, all of our disobedience is taken to the cross and dealt with once-for-all. Now, all who believe, are made to be Children of God, safe, provided for and secure for all of eternity. 

Every carol, every decorated tree, every crowd we witness should be a reminded that we are all searching for this gift of the babe that would be a Savior, and for those that believe, that he has come! It is meant to change everything in our lives. Our hopes, our passions, our priorities and routines. 

You know best how it can change your life. You know the things that you can surrender to Jesus, you know the things you can be free from. So how will the news of the life and light of the world, Jesus, change you and your life today? 

Recently I have been so encouraged by one member of Grace that reveals this change in how he cares for other people. John takes time to know his coworkers, and not just the ones in his direct office but across his company. He builds relationships, hear of life's difficulties and shares the good news of Jesus. John knows the best news, the better story. And he knows how that news can change our perspective and situation, so he shares it. The truth of the light has so changed him that he can't help but care for others. It really is a gift to watch it unfold. 

I am praying today for each of you and asking the Lord to make clear the ways in which he wants to change your "everything." That we would together savor the gift of grace that we have in Jesus and our lives would reflect a radical hope that can only be found in him. That we would experience his fullness in amazing ways this week. "For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." (John 1:16-17 ESV)

Go with grace!


Newsletter December 7, 2017


Newsletter November 30, 2106