Membership at Reservoir Church
We believe the Bible gives clear evidence of membership in a local church among other believers for our growth, good and ultimately, God's glory. In order to follow the New Testament's model, we welcome professing believers that have affirmed our Confessional Statement and Membership Covenant as members of the congregation.
Of course, we recognize it can take some time to be comfortable with a church and to fully know the people that are part of it. Toward that end we encourage you to stick around and pursue Jesus with us. You won't miss out on anything and when the time is right, you can attend a New Members Seminar to find out more.
You can also read our Book of Church Order here and our Membership Application & Covenant here.
If you are interested in learning more about membership we can recommend this conversation on membership and information from 9Marks.
New Members Seminar
If you are not able to attend a New Members Seminar below are short videos to present the information you would receive there.