Interim Leader Nominations

Grace Church has been so blessed to have the leadership and care of Jerry Shirely these last two years as a member of the Interim Board of Directors and our new Elder Council. With the start of April Jerry began a new season of "retirement" and stepped off the council remaining an important member of the body and someone you will likely get a call from on occasion! 

In his absence our Book of Church Order requires a five member council and when that number drops below the threshold the Elder Council is to appoint Interim Leaders to help guide and shepherd to flock at Grace. 

To that end we requested nominations from members for men who fit the Deacon qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Having received a number of nominations, the Elders are now interacting with these men and defining a process to review and select them for this important role. 

Please join us in praying for wisdom and clear direction from the Lord as we move into this new season at Grace. We will keep you updated and the members of Grace will be asked to affirm the selection of Interim Leader(s) in the near future. 

All because of Christ. All for Christ! 


Reading Revelation


Newsletter April 20, 2106