Newsletter June 1, 2016

This week we are back in the Dear Church series with a look at the letter to Thyatira. This is a church that has been Compromised and called to repentance. Revelation 2:18-29. Sunday, 10am at Del Norte High. 

Hello My Name is Grace – This Sunday, June 5, after service. New to Grace? Grab a cup of Joe and huddle with a few of our elders to hear the story of Grace and see how you can be plugged in.

Books and Bagels – Read, grow, hang with peeps. We are looking to plan a Saturday morning group this summer. We will be reading “Proof” by Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones. If you are interested: email

Members Meeting - Sunday June 12 we will have a short members meeting after service. The elders will give some updates and all are welcome to attend. 

Church in the Park - July 10 we will be meeting at Rancho Bernardo Park's gazebo for worship and celebration. This will be during our morning gathering time. Plan to attend! 


Newsletter June 8, 2016


Newsletter May 25, 2016