Newsletter September 21, 2016

Sunday at 10am we will gather for worship and the Word. Looking at 1 Corinthians 3:10-23 "Careful How You Build" thinking about how we labor to build the church and the foundation upon which the Lord builds us. See you at Del Norte High! 

Children’s Ministry Volunteers Breakfast: Have you been serving faithfully in CM? This Saturday, September 24 at 9am we will honor you with breakfast! The Detrich’s are hosting the meal and we will provide updates on CM as we head into the fall. If you have been thinking about volunteering to help our kids (it is only a once a month commitment) then this is a good event to join in on. RSVP with Pam Economides. 

Grace Fellowship Groups: As believers we are meant for life together. Our Grace Groups are how we make this happen. Building community on the foundation of Christ as we walk through life and apply the truths of the gospel to our everyday. Our groups are casual and an easy addition to your schedule. Ask someone what group they are in or contact for help finding a group. 

Grace Church Prayer: Are you an intercessor? Desire to be praying for the church and our community with intention and regularity? Join our prayer Facebook group where we share strategic requests and enliven corporate prayer at Grace. Email to sign up. 

40 days of Life: Turning Point, the crisis pregnancy center in our area, is inviting Grace Church to participate in this national movement that coordinates prayer vigils outside of abortion clinics from September 28-November 6. You can get a group together to pray and be part. Find out more by visiting or talk with Christian Zaal.


Newsletter September 28, 2016


Newsletter September 14, 2016