Newsletter October 18, 2017
Sunday we will see the beautiful unity of the church in Acts 4:32-37. Our modern, selfish sensibilities may be keen to dismiss what we see taking place but it is actually a gospel issue for us. How is unity established, experienced, and just how extravagant is it. 10 am Sunday at Del Norte High School.
Home Groups - It is always the right time to be part of a home group at Reservoir. Find out where they meet and how to get plugged in
First Thursday Prayer - Why don't you put November 2 at 7 pm on your calendar now. It is our first Thursday of the monthly prayer meeting where we gather for an hour to petition the Lord for the church, our community, and his glory. Help us be a people of prayer by planning to participate and showing up!
Tithing at Reservoir - Over the next two weeks we are studying examples of generosity in the church and thinking through what that means for us today. To that end, we want to invite you to be intentionally praying about how you give to the church and maybe even broader ministries in the kingdom of God. Our inclination to think it is a terribly personal issue is usually an indicator that we just aren't comfortable with it. So, get ready to be uncomfortable, and run to Jesus in the midst of it! If you would like some helpful thinking on tithing, and its ongoing significance in the New Covenant era, read this post from R.C. Sproul.
Where Are You Spending Your Sweat? - What ministries are you endeavoring to realize or assist in the church or outside of it? We want to support you as a body of believers. To get plugged into our Children's, media, music, or production teams email To spend your sweat bringing Jesus to special needs friends email to sign up. And if there is something else you feel God is calling you to, email so we can help you discern and strategize.