Newsletter February 1, 2017
Sunday Jonathan is back in the pulpit and we will open 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1 and see how Christian liberty is meant for something beyond ourselves, something so much better. We will connect, worship our Savior and savor him in his word. 10am at Del Norte High School's Performing Arts Center.
Grace Groups - We have groups meeting throughout North County and we honestly can't think of a better way to build community and seek Jesus with other people. So sign up. Be part of a group and endeavor to live this adventure with other people! Contact to find a group.
Giving Reports - Financial gift reports for 2016 are in the mail. If you supported the ministry of Grace last year you can expect that form shortly. Thank you again for your partnership and generosity. To give online now click give on the top of our website.
Enjoy Life - This week eat something delicious, take a long walk in the sun, laugh at something really funny. You are free to truly enjoy life. Crank the music a little louder and make someone smile. If you've got the gospel, you have the grace to enjoy the adventure. Let's do it!