Newsletter March 1, 2017

If you are up for it, Sunday we will look into 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and the truth that by the Spirit we are formed into a people, one body for the glory of God and our good. In Christ no one is left out and everyone participates as we are empowered. Let's talk about it and worship together, as one, Sunday at 10am at Del Norte High. 

Revision 2017 - Our intentional season of prayer begins today. Let us seek and wait on the Lord together. 

Prayer Meeting Tomorrow - Join us for our first Revision prayer meeting tomorrow 7pm-8pm at the Shradars' 715 Montview Dr., Escondido. 

Revision 2017 Prayer Hosts - We are looking for homes to host our Thursday evening prayer meetings, 7-8pm, just open the door and let some folks in to pray for spiritual renewal and revival in San Diego. To sign up to host contact 

Men's Saturday Study - Open the word with other dudes in the church and see Jesus together. Saturdays at 9am, Carmel Mountain Ranch. Contact 

Disability Outreach - Volunteers from the church will take worship to our neighbors in a nearby care facility once a month. Sign up to sing, hang out and share the love of Christ with our friends. Contact 

Giving to Grace - Click "Give" above or drop a check or cash in the giving boxes on Sunday. You can also mail your gift to our P.O. Box. We are thankful that we can partner together, as one body, for the ministry of the church. 


Unity on Mission


Revision 2017: Seeking & Waiting