Newsletter March 15, 2017

The church is meant to experience life and the gifts of the Spirit in the scene of love - the love of Christ. Now, how valuable is this love, does it last? Sunday at 10 am at Del Norte High in 4S Ranch. 

Revision Prayer Meeting Tomorrow- Thursday, March 16 @ 7pm. 2091 Golden Circle Drive in Escondido. Join us as we pray together for deepening vision of knowing Jesus and making him known during this third week of our Revision 2017.  

Disability Outreach - Volunteers from the church will take worship to our neighbors in a nearby care facility once a month. Sign up to sing, hang out and share the love of Christ with our friends. Contact

Bible Studies – Men’s groups meet Wednesdays & Saturdays. Ladies meet Sundays & Thursdays. Info

Interested in Membership – If you are ready to commit through covenant membership at Grace, we are planning our next seminar. Email to sign up.


Fully Known


Revision 2017: Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known