Newsletter May 24, 2017

Sunday we begin our Summer Sermon Series: Old, Old, Story. Seeing Jesus in Exodus. We start with Exodus 1 & 2 and God remembering his covenant promises to redeem his people. This is more than history, it is the unfolding of his grace to those in need and we can benefit from it today. Join us for worship, 10 am at Del Norte High this Sunday. 

Disability Outreach - This Sunday, May 28, we will send our ministry team to Villa Rancho Bernardo to share Christ's love with residents there. We will head over after lunch and there is still time to sign up and come along. Email for more info. 

High School Study - The Bible study for High School students is tonight at 7 pm. 

Giving to Grace - You can find giving boxes in the lobby on Sunday mornings, mail a check to PO Box 27192, San Diego, CA 92198, or give online on our website. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!

Monthly Prayer - Interested in gathering with other saints for prayer once a month? Contact Bill at to get more info. 


Being Heard & Being Held


Doing All We Do In Love