Becoming Reservoir Church

In the forty plus days leading up to Easter this year, as a church, we asked each other to dedicate more time to prayer and fasting as we sought the Lord for clarity on the mission of the church and confirmation of the things he has been doing among us. This was "Revision 2017." 

One of the results of that season was a recognition of our need to be a praying people. That we could petition the Lord together for each other, the church, our community and the expansion of the kingdom. To this end, we are establishing new, regular opportunities to gather for prayer during times accessible for all of us. I hope we will all engage in this as every great move of God, each revival through history is preceded by prayer. Oh, that we might be on the front edge of something new! 

Another outcome of our intentional time of seeking the Lord for spiritual renewal was a recognition that as a church, we have become something new. 

Each of us that are part of this church shares a story. The story of people being formed into a body, claiming a mission "Kowing Jesus and Making Him Know," and looking to live it out with each other. For some of us that story goes back 20 years, for others ten, but for most of us, this story is about the last two years. 

A church, broken and hurting, being replanted to become something new. And this is what the Lord has done for us. The last few months have been, for the elders, a season of identifying and acknowledging what has already happened, specifically that we are a new church, with a burgeoning new identity of this new community. In order then to solidify this change, and move into the future following the vision the Lord has given us, we have determined to claim a new name for our church. 

A name that would be distinctive in our community and a name that would convey what we desire to be as a church. 

Today I am glad to announce that we are becoming Reservoir Church.

Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” – John 7:37

Many places make claims on providing what people need, and much effort is spent convincing the public that each product or point of view is essential for the life we desire. Christianity though is formed by what is necessary for real life, the good news of Jesus. As a church we want to be a reservoir of this good news, giving this life-transforming truth to parched souls.

Reservoirs are everywhere around us, and whether we notice them or not, we are dependent on them to thrive. They are designed stores of water protecting and providing what is essential to life.

This is exactly what the church does as well. It serves as a reservoir of the gospel, the grace of Jesus Christ, and it serves the community by distributing this essential element. It is a place of security, refreshment, and vitality. This is knowing Jesus and making him known, “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters…” - Isaiah 55:1

As Reservoir Church, we convey that we have something essential to share through a distinctive and new name.

We know this is a meaningful change for us as a body, and we don't take lightly the story that is turning a page with this change. We want to hear from you as we walk forward in this direction. And we want to invite you to claim Reservoir Church as your own. Not just as an attender, but as a stakeholder in the work the Lord will do in and through us as we serve each other and our community. 

In the coming weeks, we will have opportunities to talk more about the change. Opportunities to stake your claim on ministries in the church. And we will ask covenant members to affirm the change by amending our Book of Church order (June 25 ballots, turned in July 2). For today though, we ask that you would join us in prayer and anticipation of what Jesus will do with this rag-tag group of sinners. 


Not Okay and That's Okay


Newsletter June 7, 2017