Newsletter June 21, 2017
Sunday our Old, Old, Story series brings us to the ultimate plague in Egypt, the Passover. This is the event that begins the Jewish calendar, that marks the redemptive work of God. This is the moment of judgment and salvation. We will gather at 10 am at Del Norte High for worship, the Word, and fellowship as we endeavor to Know Jesus and Make Him Known!
Gifts of the Spirit - Kicking off tomorrow! We will be having a group studying "The Beginner's Guide to the Spiritual Gifts" by Sam Storms this summer. Meetings will be Thursdays, June 22 & 29, and July 6, 13, 20 & 27. Sign up with Bill
Disability Ministry - Did you know that individuals with disabilities are the largest unreached people group in the world? Be a part of seeing every nation and every tribe come to know Jesus, right here in our own community! Join us as we share Him with the residents of Villa Bernardo on Sunday, July 9 at 2 pm. Please contact Janice with any questions.
Hold Fast Women’s Retreat - Ladies, don’t miss this Women's Retreat! Come reflect with us on Hebrews 10 and share times of fellowship and renewal. We will be in Big Bear Friday afternoon September 15 to Saturday evening September 16. The cost is $75 per person (covers food, lodging, and retreat materials). Contact Stacy or Janice to sign up or ask questions.
Becoming Reservoir Church - Members will be given ballots this Sunday to be turned in by July 2 on affirming the change of our church name to Reservoir Church. Covenant members, please stop by the pulpit after service to get your ballot.