Newsletter June 28, 2017

Sunday we keep rolling through the water... in our Old, Old Story series. Exodus 14, God's people brought through the Red Sea. It wasn't the easiest route, but it was God's purposed route, so the people would believe and see his glory. We will dip our feet in and see if we can catch some of that belief as well. 10 am Del Norte High School. 

Becoming Reservoir Church - Sunday is the final opportunity for covenant members to submit their vote to amend our Book of Church Order, changing our name to Reservoir Church. Thank you for participating in this important, pivotal season of the life of the church. 

Pursuing Membership - Been thinking about membership? Holding on to the application as you pray about it? The elders want to hear from you. How can we help you commit and find a place here? Touch base in person or email

Disability Ministry - Did you know that individuals with disabilities are the largest unreached people group in the world? Be a part of seeing every nation and every tribe come to know Jesus, right here in our own community! Join us as we share Him with the residents of Villa Bernardo on Sunday, July 9 at 2 pm. Please contact Janice with any questions.

Mapping Student Ministries - We are making plans for fall and still looking for leaders for weekly Middle School and High School Bible Studies, and monthly events. But we also need to know how many students we will have participating. If you are a students, or parent of a student, and you know you are bought in and will be there, email to let us know. 

Hold Fast Women’s Retreat - Ladies, don’t miss this Women's Retreat! Come reflect with us on Hebrews 10 and share times of fellowship and renewal. We will be in Big Bear Friday afternoon September 15 to Saturday evening September 16. The cost is $75 per person (covers food, lodging, and retreat materials). Contact Stacy or Janice to sign up or ask questions.


New Name Same Trust in God


Defined by the Cross Life has Meaning