Imperfect to be Perfectly Used
Pastor Jonathan's Monday reflection:
God calls and equips imperfect people for his glory. This is good news behind the call of Moses in Exodus 3 & 4 and this is the good news of our own lives. That we are called, equipped and used by God for his glory, which results in our good.
When we gain a clear vision of the sufficiency of God, his being with us, his power, his plan, then we can make a move following wherever he leads. Then the miraculous happens and lives are forever changed, even ours.
As I think of it this morning it is the discerning of the call I find needs refinement in my life. Certainly, in Christ there is the general call to make disciples as we go, but what will this mean for the thousands of daily opportunities? What will it mean for me, and for you, to trust in God's sufficiency for what he has placed before us?
I think it begins with prayer. Asking the Lord to give us a vision of himself that leaves us in awe of his power and overwhelmed by his provision. Asking to be equipped by the Spirit to do all that we set our hands to and that which God has decreed for us to endeavor in. Asking for partners to encourage us, bear our burdens and assist us in trusting God's sovereignty.
Then in prayer we act, we allow God to love us and then tell others what a miracle that is. That they too are loved and can believe in Jesus. And leave it all on the court. You are empowered, equipped and backed up by the I AM. The only true God. Nothing stands in his way and he has determined to use you for his glory.
My prayer this week is that we would see Jesus as better, trust in his empowerment, and move into his mission for his glory and our good. Will you pray with me?
Lord, help us to trust your sufficiency, your plan and you use of us imperfect people. Help us see you, and the opportunities you place before us to give you glory. Be big in our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.